May 22.2018 – May 25.2018 Bochum/Germany
Summer School 2018
Structural Change and Brownfield Recycling in Germany

All lectures of the Summer School will be recorded and be provided as livestream. To join, just follow the respective link provided below. No prior registration requested.
During the sessions identified, first a subject expert will give an introduction to the topic (20 min.), then a German student and an U.S.- student will provide comments (each 10 to 15 min.) followed by a general discussion (30-45 min.). - Those joining the livestream can also add questions in a chatbox.
Tuesday, May 22: Urban Development in global and regional perspectives
09-10 : Kick-Off
10-13 : Session I
The Ruhr Metropolitan Area, a Survey. Michael Schwarze-Rhodrian, Regional Association Ruhr (asked)
Urban development in a global environmental-economic perspective. Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarze, UFZ
13-14 : Lunch break
14-17 : Session II
Structural Change in the Ruhr-Region, 1960 – 2017. Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer, WEG/Ruhr University Bochum
Brownfield Recycling in Germany and Northrhine-Westfalia, Instruments and Results. Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer
Wednesday, May 23: Structural Change and Brownfield Recycling in Bochum
09-17 : Excursion by bus
City West with Jahrhunderthalle; from Graetz (TV-production) via Nokia (mobile phone production) to logistics; former coal mine Lothringen, new industrial parks; from coal mine Dannebaum via Opel (car production) to Mark 51°7; University campus Querenburg with technology and health science campus.
Thursday, May 24: Urban land management
09-13 : Session III
Tourism, Culture and Recreation, New Industries in Old Buildings. Bochumer Veranstaltungsgesellschaft.
No more than 30 ha per day ! Strategies, instruments and results. Detlef Grimski, UBA.
Join livestream 9:00-13:00 CET (GMT +2) at: on any browser with Flash
(ID: 159-678-439)
13-14 : Lunch break
14-16 : Session IV
Residential Reuse of Former Industrial Sites? Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer, WEG/RUB
Assessing the "Stigma" of Brownfield Sites. Dr. Stephan Bartke, UFZ
Join livestream 14:00-16:00 CET (GMT +2) at: on any browser with Flash
(ID: 841-288-978)
16-17 : Discussion
Friday, May 25: Regional Projects / From Steel to Housing and New industries
09-19 : Excursion by bus: Regional Projects
From Steel to Housing and New industries: Phoenix in Dortmund; a new district for Gelsenkirchen : Graf Bismarck; World Heritage : Zeche Zollverein in Essen; The park of the 21st Century : Landschaftspark Park Duisburg; Inner Harbor, Duisburg.
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How to participate

A limited number of U.S. and German participants could join the summer school free of charge. A budget was available from the Building the City of Tomorrow project, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), to support summer school participation of U.S. students and young professionals. The lectures of the course will be streamed live and will be made available as links after the event to.