Webinar Infrastructure Finance
10.00 h EST // 16.00 CET // Duration 60 Minutes
Wednesday, 2017-09-13

Infrastructure financing is a perennial problem: the public sector tends to focus on immediate needs, rather than longer-term investment. But infrastructure investments can both mitigate climate risks and improve adaptive capacity. Climate infrastructure finance is thus the first webinar topic in the DE-US series. We shall examine the general infrastructure finance problem, existing tools for raising funds and the special conditions and opportunities that the logic and process of the Paris Accord provides. In particular, we will review major emissions trading schemes and their prospects for raising climate infrastructure funds while reducing emissions and raising awareness of the costs of burning carbon.
Wednesday, 2017-09-13
10.00 h EST - 16.00 CET
60 Minutes

To register, please click the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:



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Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Dr. Stephan Bartke | Permoserstr. 15 | 04318 Leipzig | Germany
Phone: +49 341 2 35 16 83 | email: stephan.bartke@ufz.de
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): FKZ 01DD17004


© Copyright 2017 DE-US
Update and Meeting in Washington 03-07 Oct 2017


Dear Bilateral and DE-US.net friends,

You have supported the new DE-US.net initiative (partly as a follow-up of the US-German Bilateral Working Group). As a reminder, find some info on the project here https://www.research-in-germany.org/shaping-the-future/research-networks/de-us-net.html

We like to update you:


  • From mid-September on, we will be promoting the web platform as key instrument for further exchange. We are finalizing our work on the site at the moment. For such a platform to become considered and accepted, it is crucial that it is used and filled with interesting content by interesting people --> YOU. So I like to invite you to take the burden of becoming front-runners and trendsetters by creating your profile on the platform and by using it to create projects, speak about them and exchange with others. Please allow for some stumbling blocks in the beginning and send us your remarks and suggestions for improvements. Go to http://de-us.net/ to create your profile
  • We will host a regular webinar via the platform. The first one will be presented by Prof. Peter B. Meyer and Prof. Reimund Schwarze on "Urban resilience finance". Safe the date Sept. 13th - 10:30 EST (16:30 German Time) - Please send an info to Olga <olga.fedorov@ufz.de> if you also have a topic proposal for hosting your DE-US.net webinar (the technology will be provided via the platform!)

  • We will be in Washington, D.C. - October 02.-07. - participating in the Smart Cities week http://smartcitiesweek.com/2017-Washington/ - Please send an info to Olga <olga.fedorov@ufz.de> if you can be in Washington in this week and have time to meet with us.

  • We will be in Pittsburgh, PA - December 04.-09. - participating in the National Brownfields Training Conference - Brownfields 2017 https://www.brownfields2017.org/

Looking forward to chatting with you on DE-US.net!

On behalf of the team,



Sponsored by

  Facebook   Linkedin   Twitter  
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Dr. Stephan Bartke | Permoserstr. 15 | 04318 Leipzig | Germany
Phone: +49 341 2 35 16 83 | email: stephan.bartke@ufz.de
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): FKZ 01DD17004


© Copyright 2017 DE-US
Structural Change and Brownfield Recycling in Germany 22-25 May 2018


Tuesday, May 22: Urban Development in Ruhr-Area and Germany

09-10 : Kick-Off

10-13 : Session I

The Ruhr Metropolitan Area, a Survey. Michael Schwarze-Rhodrian, Regional

Association Ruhr (asked)

Urban development in a global environmental-economic perspective. Prof. Dr.

Reimund Schwarze, UFZ

13-14 : Lunch break

14-17 : Session II

Structural Change in the Ruhr-Region, 1960 – 2017. Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer, WEG/

Ruhr University Bochum

Brownfield Recycling in Germany and Northrhine-Westfalia, Instruments and

Results. Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer


Wednesday, May 23: Structural Change and Brownfield Recycling in Bochum

09-17 : Excursion by bus

City West with Jahrhunderthalle; from Graetz (TV-production) via Nokia (mobile

phone production) to logistics; former coal mine Lothringen, new industrial parks;

from coal mine Dannebaum via Opel (car production) to Mark 51°7; University

campus Querenburg with technology and health science campus.


Thursday, May 24: Urban land management

09-13 : Session III

Tourism, Culture and Recreation, New Industries in Old Buildings. Andreas

Kuchajda, Bochumer Veranstaltungsgesellschaft.

No more than 30 ha per day ! Strategies, instruments and results. Detlef Grimski,


13-14 : Lunch break

14-16 : Session IV

Residential Reuse ofFormer Industrial Sites? Prof. Dr. Rolf Heyer, WEG/RUB

Investors and Brownfields. Stephan Bartke, UFZ

16-17 : Discussion


Friday, May 25: Regional Projects /From Steel to Housing and New industries

09-19 :Excursion by bus:

Regional Projects

From Steel to Housing and New industries: Phoenix in Dortmund; a new district

for Gelsenkirchen : Graf Bismarck; World Heritage : Zeche Zollverein in Essen; The

park of the 21st Century : Landschaftspark Park Duisburg; Inner Harbor, Duisburg.


More information: https://www.de-us.net/index.php/summerschool.html


Sponsored by

  Facebook   Linkedin   Twitter  
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Dr. Stephan Bartke | Permoserstr. 15 | 04318 Leipzig | Germany
Phone: +49 341 2 35 16 83 | email: stephan.bartke@ufz.de
Gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF): FKZ 01DD17004


© Copyright 2018 DE-US