Webinar “Integrated land management should help transition towards sustainable reuse”
Land use, especially in urban-rural regions, is dynamic; municipalities need to adapt to changing societal needs and opportunities (for jobs, health, living standards, logistics, etc.). Further, municipalities are challenged to provide resiliency against environmental stresses caused by climate change. For this, both private and public perspectives are important to consider.
During the webinar, speakers such as Kersten Roselt (Jena GEOS) & Ingo Quaas (quaas stadtplaner) from the German side presented on successful industrial site reuse in Germany with a particular focus on the Zeiss industrial site in Jena. Jon Grosshans (USEPA) from the United States presented best practice examples from the Appalachia Just Transition program in the eastern US and also highlighted the role of "playbooks" for discussing the topics with community members.
The discussion with participates was moderated by Doug MacCourt and Uwe Ferber (StadtLand GmbH). The full recording can be found under "Webinar".